"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting with the gift of the word"
Simónides de Ceos
La poesía
ha salido con todos sus vestidos
su lenguaje hecho sandalias
sus pequeñas joyas de cobre
sus caderas de hembra
vidente y obrera
Allí despeina a los taxistas
derrama el fuego de los sueños
desnuda el dolor de lo injusto
regala su perfume de oro
y hace cantar la primavera
hasta liberar al hombre de sí mismo
Gonzalo Villar
Gonzalo Villar
The poetry
has come out with all his clothes
their language made sandals
their small copper jewelry
female hips
seer and worker
There ruffles to taxi drivers
pour the fire of dreams
bare the pain of unjust
she gives her perfume gold
and makes the spring sing
to liberate man from himself
Gonzalo Villar